Hidden Talent

February 25–May 11, 2025

For the first time, Art in the Halls spotlights the creativity of those who bring the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley to life every day. Hidden Talent reveals the artistic side of 25 MSV staff members through 39 works ranging from sketches and sculptures to a painted skateboard, hand-sewn high tops, and more. This vibrant display offers a fresh perspective on the museum’s team, showcasing their personal passions and artistic expression beyond their daily roles. On view through May 11 in the first-floor halls of the MSV.

The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley believes that art has a special role in the community. The Art in the Halls program provides space for regional artists to showcase their work in an area that is free to the public and accessible by all.

The goals of this program are to:

  • Connect the community with artists working in the Shenandoah Valley or making art inspired by the Shenandoah Valley.
  • Support the careers of regional artists by offering a venue for showing and selling their work.
  • Foster artistic creativity within the region.
  • Provide opportunities for regional artists to connect with the MSV community via programming.
  • Relate the work of regional artists to MSV exhibitions, the MSV collection, or the MSV site.

Interested in applying to be part of Art in the Halls? The MSV invites emerging to mid-career artists to apply.

What you will need:

The MSV invites artists of any medium to submit their work, but please note the restrictions of the exhibition space. The Art in the Halls program is mounted in the Glaize and Lewis halls on the first floor of the MSV building. Groups or artists who wish to be considered should complete the application form. Please note that MSV will not accept pieces that are older than three years or have been shown regionally within the last year. Have questions about whether your artwork is a good fit for Art in the Halls? Contact Christy Broy: cbroy@themsv.org , (540)662-1473, ext 244.

How it works:

Submissions are reviewed from the digital images provided in the application and exhibition selections are determined by committee. Submissions are also evaluated on the exhibition description and artist’s statement. This information helps the committee understand the level of artistic development and commitment of the submitting artist/group. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Work submitted for the exhibition must be of the same quality, medium, and style as the work submitted in the proposal. Artists must be the original creators of the work they are submitting.

The MSV will do its best to respond to your submission, but please note that we receive a large number of inquiries. An MSV representative will contact you should additional materials be requested for further consideration.

Artists who are accepted will have a three-year interval before another solo proposal will be considered. Artists are strongly encouraged to keep pricing consistent with websites and other sale sites.

Please note:

  • The committee’s decisions are final.
  • Exhibits typically run for two to three months with either an opening or closing reception.
  • The MSV currently organizes two Art in the Halls exhibitions per calendar year, each composed of two or more artists. Your exhibition submission will be considered as part of this overall structure and may be selected as a solo exhibition (one hall) or as part of a joint exhibition (shared hall).
  • Exhibitions are planned several months to a year or more in advance. Please keep this in mind when submitting your proposal.


Selected artists will receive an Artist Welcome Packet that contains all pertinent exhibition paperwork that must be completed by the designated deadlines. By signing the Art in the Halls Agreement, the artist agrees to meet all deadlines for deliverables and to maintain open communication with the MSV as the exhibition is planned and organized.

Commission & Payment:

The MSV retains a commission of 40% on sales made through the Art in the Halls program.

Interested in applying to be part of Art in the Halls? The MSV invites emerging to mid-career artists to apply.

Art in the Halls Form


Mailing Address(Required)

Medium (select all that apply)(Required)

Exhibit Type(Required)

Drop files here or

Max. file size: 25 MB.

    Re-name files to include image number, artist name, and artwork title (i.e.: 01_Bob_Jones_LunarLandscape). Artists may submit up to 10 images. Digital images must be high-quality photographs with at least 1000px per side.

    Preferred Exhibition Slot(Required)

    Write an overview of the proposed exhibition. Please include why the MSV is an appropriate venue for the exhibition.
    Have you been an exhibiting artist before?(Required)

    Community Programming(Required)

    The Education Department will be notified of any interest should your exhibition proposal be selected. There is no guarantee that programming will be available for your participation.

    Please write a brief biography to include educational degrees, additional studies, selected exhibitions, residencies, awards, grants, teaching experience, community involvement, and the location of your current studio.

    Please write a brief Artist Statement explaining subject matter, meaning, motivation, influences, processes, and techniques.
    Artworks must have been created within the last three years.(Required)

    Anything special that we need to know about you or your artwork?